To fix the unfixable

Hey everybody,

I tried to fix a problem that this plugin had since ever. Nodes can only display so much content. If you have skills with long descriptions or just a node that has to much skills your node will have display issues. With this update, I tried to fix it and I think I had some success.

Basicly, I adjusted how the node confirmation window draws its content and also adjusted the way line height is calculated for the plugin. Now everything should look much better and more content should fit into the window. This can be disabled with the plugin parameter Compact Texts which can be found under General Settings.

I also added a new option in the Tree Builder App that allows you to maximize the node confirmation window.

Additionally I fixed a bug or two and added some more options. Check out the patch notes for more details.

I also uploaded an archive containing all versions of the plugin file. In case anybody needs an older version.

Best regards,


  • added a plugin parameter Compact Texts which fixes makes texts use line heights based on their fontsize. This makes texts look more compact and actually adds a use to different font sizes. It is enabled by default.
  • changed the node confirmation window to properly draw all content. Be warned. Many content will still break the window.
  • fixed a bug that would cut of skill descriptions on word wrap.
  • added an option to draw a bigger window for a node. Added an option for this in the Tree Builder App. You can find it in each node.
  • fixed a bug regarding the background image in the node confirmation window. It should now display directly.
  • added the plugin command HASACTORNODEACTIVE [actorId] [tree uid] [node uid] [switch id].
    • it checks if and actor has a specific node in a tree active or not.
  • added a warning popup on start when you have a faulty node. Currently this only alerts you of skills that dont exists.
  • you can now open trees of actors that are not in the party using the TECHTREE [actorId] plugin command


v1.3.5 Plugin file 189 kB
Aug 09, 2020
Tree Builder App 1 MB
Aug 09, 2020
Skilltree - LegacyPack.rar 307 kB
Aug 09, 2020


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